LDAP Explorer FAQ

9. Why the double-quotes symbol ' in the inputting field became \' in the Directory Server?

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[Prev: 8. How to config Novell eDirectory Server to let LDAP Explorer can explore it?]
[Next: 10. Why LDAP Explorer returns 'no such file or directory' after upgraded PHP to 4.0.3x?]

It's a trick of PHP language to be set for GPC (Get/Post/Cookie) operations. The default option is set On by nable-magic-quotes in configuration file - php.ini. Switch it to Off will solve the problem, e.g:

magic_quotes_gpc = Off

or in apache configuration file, e.g, access.conf:

<Location /LDAPExplorer>

DirectoryIndex login.php

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

php_value magic_quotes_gpc off


[Top] [Contents]
[Prev: 8. How to config Novell eDirectory Server to let LDAP Explorer can explore it?]
[Next: 10. Why LDAP Explorer returns 'no such file or directory' after upgraded PHP to 4.0.3x?]

Last Modified: 24 November 2000
Maintained by: Terrence Miao terrence_miao@email.com
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