LDAP Explorer FAQ

10. Why LDAP Explorer returns 'no such file or directory' after upgraded PHP to 4.0.3x?

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[Prev: 9. Why the double-quotes symbol ' in the inputting field became \' in the Directory Server?]

Brian Dragoo <bdragoo@thomasaquins.edu> reported LDAP Explorer returned:

Warning: fopen ('/home/httpd/html/tmptmp/LEOOOEYsTr','w+') - No such file or directory in /home/httpd/html/LDAPExplorer/tree.php3 on line 187

after upgraded his PHP to version 4.0.3.

The reason is that PHP developers has changed the behaviour of function tempnam (). A test script can identify the difference between the old and latest version:


require ('template/header.inc');

require ('default.php');

$tmpfname = tempnam ('.', 'FOO');

echo 'tmpfname = $tmpfname';

echo '<BR>';

require ('template/footer.inc');


In old version of PHP, it returns:

tmpfname = ./FOOL1aqdZ

In version 4.0.3x, result is:

tmpfname = /tmp/FOOL1aqdZ

But PHP 4.0.3x on Solaris box returns:

tmpfname = ./FOOL1aqdZ

A quick fix of the problem is change the configuration in default.php file from:

$default->tmpdir = '/tmp';


$default->tmpdir = '/';

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[Prev: 9. Why the double-quotes symbol ' in the inputting field became \' in the Directory Server?]

Last Modified: 24 November 2000
Maintained by: Terrence Miao terrence_miao@email.com
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