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Here is some experiences to config your Novell eDirectory Server:
Novell eDirectory trial copy on Linux can be downloaded from:http://www.novell.com/download/including NDS/LDAP server for Linux and Windows component.
Stop OpenLDAP server on your Linux box. Because you can not change default LDAP port (389) in eDirectory.
Install Novell eDirectory on your Linux box. Select 'YES' when installation program asks you whether Install LDAP, Create LDAP Group Object
Start NDS/LDAP server, run:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/ndsd start
Install eDirectory Windows component on Windows box. Login as client of Netware. Then start java based ConsoleOne.
Select Properties of LDAP Group, in General option, turn on 'All Clear Text Passwords'
Click OK buttion in ConsoleOne.
in LDAP Explorer, inputting your configuration, e.g:
LDAP Server: igloo.its.unimelb.edu.au
Port: 389
Base DN: o=mycompany
Bind DN As: CN=admin,OU=is,O=mycompany
Bind Password: 12345678
Filter: objectclass=*
Search Scope: one level
Click Explore button then you can access full directory service provoided by Novell eDirectory.
Novell has a public LDAP server at: www.nldap.com. To have a test, you can set configuration as:
host: www.nldap.com
port: 389
base DN: o=Novell
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[Prev: 7. Apache returns 'Maximum execution time exceeded in tree.php on line xxx'.]
[Next: 9. Why the double-quotes symbol ' in the inputting field became \' in the Directory Server?]