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[Prev: 6. How to deal with temporary files - 'LE00*' on hard disk? They become more and more. And they are eating up a lot of space. ]
[Next: 8. How to config Novell eDirectory Server to let LDAP Explorer can explore it?]
This problem happens while you are browsing a very large Directory Server tree or an entry with a lot of attributes. PHP is time out before apache finishes the session.
Here's a simple way to solve this problem. Change the variable 'max_execution_time' in PHP configuration file (e.g, /etc/php3/apache/php3.ini or /etc/php.ini) from default 30 (seconds) to 300. Then restart apache server.
Another solution hinted by Sergio Ballestrero is using set_time_limit function. If the value is set to 0, no time limit is imposed while script is executed.
[Top] [Contents]
[Prev: 6. How to deal with temporary files - 'LE00*' on hard disk? They become more and more. And they are eating up a lot of space. ]
[Next: 8. How to config Novell eDirectory Server to let LDAP Explorer can explore it?]