Nespravne volana funkcia

'; return; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //form paint ?>

"; $lc=@ldap_connect($ldapServer, $ldapPort); if ($debug) echo "connect result is [".$lc."]
"; $ldapV3 = ldap_set_option($ds,LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION,3); if ($debug) echo "ldap protocol v3 je [".$ldapV3."]
"; if ($lc) { if ($debug) echo "Binding as [$ldapLogin:$ldapPwd]
"; if (@ldap_bind($lc, $ldapLogin, $ldapPwd)){ if ($debug) echo "Searching for "; $attr[]="*"; //sosame vsetky attribs if ($debug){ echo "attr[]="; for ($i=0;$i\n"; }; $queryStr="(objectClass=*)"; if ($debug) echo "queryStr=[$queryStr]
\n"; //$result=ldap_search($lc, $ldapDN, "(objectclass=*)", $atr, 0, $search_limit); $result=@ldap_search($lc, $dn, $queryStr, $attr, 0, 1); //just 1 record //$result=@ldap_search($lc, $dn); //just 1 record /* ldap_search( connection $this->res base_dn $this->dn_all filter sets the restrictions attributes as array array of attributes returned attrsonly 1 = return only the attributes, 0 = return attributes and values amount number of results to return; 0 means all time limit time limit in seconds; 0 means no limit deref handling of aliases: LDAP_DEREF_NEVER never resolv aliases LDAP_DEREF_SEARCHING not if base object is called LDAP_DEREF_FINDING only if base object is called LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS always resolv aliases $result=ldap_search($lc, $ldapDN, "(objectclass=*)"); */ if (!isset($result)){ echo "Zaznam $dn nenajdeny.
Pravdepodobne ho prave niekto zmazal.$brn
"; return; }; if ($debug) echo "Search result is ".$result."
"; if ($debug) echo "Number of entires returned is ".ldap_count_entries($lc,$result)."
"; if ($debug) echo "Getting entries ...
"; $info = ldap_get_entries($lc, $result); if ($debug) echo "Data for ".$info["count"]." items returned:

\n"; if ($debug) echo "info[count] = ".$info["count"]."
"; if (ldap_count_entries($lc,$result)){ //ziskame zoznam attribs podla toho co mame zadane v setup.php/schema $attrList=getArraySlice($schema,0); //attrList je pole a vyzera nejako takto: ("cn","sn","givenName",...) $attrString=implode(",",$attrList); if ($debug) echo "attrString=[".$attrString."]$brn"; //attrString je string a vyzera nejako takto: "cn,sn,givenName,..." //mohol by som to spucit do jedneho s nasledujucim prikazom, ale vyzeralo //by to velmi hnusne a o par dni by som to urcite ani sam nepochopil $attrValues=getRecordAttribList($info[0],$attrString); //attrValues je pole a obsahuje vyplnene data v rovnakom poradi ako $attrList //toto budeme potrebovat right now tak si to vysosneme este raz list($cn, $sn, $givenName) = getRecordAttribList($info[0],"cn,sn,givenname"); } else { echo "Zaznam nebol najdeny.
\n"; return; }; echo '
'; echo ''."\n"; echo ''."\n"; for ($i=0; $i'; echo ''."\n".''."\n".''."\n"; }; echo '
'; echo ( (($sn=="")||($givenName=="")) ? ($cn) : ("$sn, $givenName") ); echo '
AtributHodnotaTyp (?)
'; //name if ($detailShowAttribDescription){ //attr description for dumbheads echo $detailShowAttribDescriptionFormat[0]; echo $schema[$i][1]; echo $detailShowAttribDescriptionFormat[1].$brn; }; if ($detailShowAttribName){ //attr name echo $detailShowAttribNameFormat[0]; echo $schema[$i][0]; echo $detailShowAttribNameFormat[1].$brn; //attr description for dumbheads }; echo ''; //value if (!getSchemaFlag($i,$SCHEMA_BINARY)){ //normalna hodnota if (!getSchemaFlag($i,$SCHEMA_SECRET)){ //normalna hodnota if (is_array($attrValues[$i])){ //multivalue for ($mv=0; $mv'; echo $attrValues[$i][$mv]."
\n"; if (getSchemaFlag($i,$SCHEMA_MAILTO)) echo ''; }; } else { if (getSchemaFlag($i,$SCHEMA_MAILTO)) echo ''; echo $attrValues[$i]; if (getSchemaFlag($i,$SCHEMA_MAILTO)) echo ''; }; } else { //secret hodnota if (is_array($attrValues[$i])){ //multivalue for ($mv=0; $mv\n"; }; } else { if ($attrValues[$i]!=""){ echo "*S*E*C*R*E*T*"; } else { //nepiseme ze tam nie je heslo //echo "n/a"; }; }; }; } else { //binarna hodnota echo "binary"; }; echo '
'; //flags echo iconDef2( "read_only", getSchemaFlag($i,$SCHEMA_READ_ONLY), "R/O", 1); echo iconDef2( "read_only_admin", getSchemaFlag($i,$SCHEMA_ADMIN_READ_ONLY), "A R/O", 1); echo iconDef2( "one", getSchemaFlag($i,$SCHEMA_ONE), "1..1", 1); echo iconDef2( "zero_n", getSchemaFlag($i,$SCHEMA_ZERO_N), "0..N", 1); echo iconDef2( "one_n", getSchemaFlag($i,$SCHEMA_ONE_N), "1..N", 1); echo iconDef2( "binary", getSchemaFlag($i,$SCHEMA_BINARY), "BIN", 1); echo iconDef2( "secret", getSchemaFlag($i,$SCHEMA_SECRET),"***", 1); echo '
'; echo '

zaznam mozete '; echo 'ziskat'; echo " aj vo formate vCard (.vcf)

"; } else { echo "Nemozem sa nalogovat na LDAP server! Je nutne skontrolovat konfiguraciu $wpldapName.
\nKontaktuje prosim administratora systemu."; }; // if bind if ($debug) echo "Closing connection"; ldap_close($lc); } else { echo "Nemozem sa pripojit k LDAP serveru na adrese $ldapServer:$ldapPort
\nKontaktuje prosim administratora systemu."; }; ?>