Jason I have received the equipment, I will be able to install on Monday the 24th at 10am. My cell # 501-276-8018
Thank You
Gerry Harvey
From: Jason Mitchell [mailto:jmitchel@bigjar.com] Sent: Wed 2/19/2014 4:17 PM To: 735eng hotsprings Cc: Mark Elbaum Subject: Equipment installation
You should have received three packages over the last three days (you got the last one today @ 2:30pm EST). The one with the post it note that reads "735 NUK" is a drop in replacement for the white box that says "Ross Technology Group" and "Guest Access" on it. The rest of the gear will require help from Mark and I. Let me know what times might work for you. --
Jason Mitchell
10450 Twin Rivers Road | Suite 127 | Columbia, MD 21044 www.bigjar.com p: 443.430.9739 | f: 443-583-0289 | c: 410-921-0272 “THINK GREEN…and print this email only if necessary. Doing the Right Things to Make a Difference”.