' . htmlspecialchars($note) .'', 'center' ) . "
\n"; } if ( sqgetGlobalVar('just_logged_in', $just_logged_in, SQ_SESSION) ) { if ($just_logged_in == true) { $just_logged_in = false; sqsession_register($just_logged_in, 'just_logged_in'); if (strlen(trim($motd)) > 0) { echo html_tag( 'table', html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', html_tag( 'table', html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', $motd, 'center' ) ) , '', $color[4], 'width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" border="0"' ) ) ) , 'center', $color[9], 'width="70%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3" border="0"' ); } } } if (isset($newsort)) { $sort = $newsort; sqsession_register($sort, 'sort'); } /********************************************************************* * Check to see if we can use cache or not. Currently the only time * * when you will not use it is when a link on the left hand frame is * * used. Also check to make sure we actually have the array in the * * registered session data. :) * *********************************************************************/ if (! isset($use_mailbox_cache)) { $use_mailbox_cache = 0; } if ($use_mailbox_cache && sqsession_is_registered('msgs')) { showMessagesForMailbox($imapConnection, $mailbox, $numMessages, $startMessage, $sort, $color, $show_num, $use_mailbox_cache); } else { if (sqsession_is_registered('msgs')) { unset($msgs); } if (sqsession_is_registered('msort')) { unset($msort); } if (sqsession_is_registered('numMessages')) { unset($numMessages); } $numMessages = sqimap_get_num_messages ($imapConnection, $mailbox); showMessagesForMailbox($imapConnection, $mailbox, $numMessages, $startMessage, $sort, $color, $show_num, $use_mailbox_cache); if (sqsession_is_registered('msgs') && isset($msgs)) { sqsession_register($msgs, 'msgs'); } if (sqsession_is_registered('msort') && isset($msort)) { sqsession_register($msort, 'msort'); } sqsession_register($numMessages, 'numMessages'); } do_hook('right_main_bottom'); sqimap_logout ($imapConnection); echo ''; ?>