* @version $Id: check_me.mod,v 2005/06/04 21:57:32 jervfors Exp $
* @package plugins
* @subpackage squirrelspell
* This function makes a javascript-powered link. Not sure why
* Philippe decided to move it outside the main code, but hey. ;)
* I bet for the i18n reasons.
* @param $jscode Javascript code to include in the link.
* @param $title A little pop-up title to provide for the links.
* @param $link The content of the link.
* @return void, since this just draws the content.
function SpellLink($jscode, $title, $link) {
echo "
. ' | ';
* Declaring globals for users with E_ALL set.
global $SQSPELL_APP, $attachment_dir, $SQSPELL_EREG, $color;
$sqspell_text = $_POST['sqspell_text'];
$sqspell_use_app = $_POST['sqspell_use_app'];
* Now we explode the lines for three reasons:
* 1) So we can ignore lines starting with ">" (reply's)
* 2) So we can stop processing when we get to "--" on a single line,
* which means that the signature is starting
* 3) So we can add an extra space at the beginning of each line. This way
* ispell/aspell don't treat these as command characters.
$sqspell_raw_lines = explode("\n", $sqspell_text);
for ($i=0; $i'){
$sqspell_new_lines[$i] = ' ' . $sqspell_raw_lines[$i];
} else {
$sqspell_new_lines[$i] = ' ';
* $sqspell_new_lines array now contains the lines to submit to the
* spellchecker.
$sqspell_new_text=implode("\n", $sqspell_new_lines);
* Define the command used to spellcheck the document.
* If you have php >= 4.3.0, we can use proc_open and safe mode
* and not mess w/ temp files. Otherwise we will do it the old
* way, (minus the uneeded call to cat that messes up Wintel
* boxen.)
* Thanks Ray Ferguson for providing this patch.
if( check_php_version ( 4, 3 ) ) {
$descriptorspec = array(
0 => array('pipe', 'r'), // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from
1 => array('pipe', 'w'), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to
2 => array('pipe', 'w'), // stderr is a pipe that the child will write to
$spell_proc = @proc_open($sqspell_command, $descriptorspec, $pipes);
if ( ! is_resource ( $spell_proc ) ) {
error_box ( _("Could not run the spellchecker command (%s).",
htmlspecialchars($sqspell_command) ) , $color );
if ( ! @fwrite($pipes[0], $sqspell_new_text) ) {
error_box ( _("Error while writing to pipe.",
htmlspecialchars($floc) ) , $color );
$sqspell_output = array();
for($i=1; $i<=2; $i++) {
while(!feof($pipes[$i])) {
array_push($sqspell_output, rtrim(fgetss($pipes[$i],999),"\n"));
} else {
do {
$floc = "$attachment_dir/" . md5($sqspell_new_text . microtime());
} while (file_exists($floc));
$fp = @fopen($floc, 'w');
if ( ! is_resource ($fp) ) {
error_box ( _("Could not open temporary file '%s'.",
htmlspecialchars($floc) ) , $color );
if ( ! @fwrite($fp, $sqspell_new_text) ) {
error_box ( _("Error while writing to temporary file '%s'.",
htmlspecialchars($floc) ) , $color );
exec("$sqspell_command < $floc 2>&1", $sqspell_output, $sqspell_exitcode);
* Check if the execution was successful. Bail out if it wasn't.
if ($sqspell_exitcode){
$msg= ""
. sprintf(_("I tried to execute '%s', but it returned:"),
$sqspell_command) . "
. htmlspecialchars(join("\n", $sqspell_output)) . '
. '
sqspell_makeWindow(null, _("SquirrelSpell is misconfigured."), null, $msg);
* Load the user dictionary.
$words=sqspell_getLang(sqspell_getWords(), $sqspell_use_app);
* Define some variables to be used during the processing.
$misses = Array();
$locations = Array();
* Now we process the output of sqspell_command (ispell or aspell in
* ispell compatibility mode, whichever). I'm going to be scarce on
* comments here, since you can just look at the ispell/aspell output
* and figure out what's going on. ;) The best way to describe this is
* "Dark Magic".
for ($i=0; $i\n"
. "\n"
. "\n"
. "\n";
displayHtmlHeader(_("SquirrelSpell Results"),$extrajs);
echo "\n";