'; echo html_tag( 'table', html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', '' . _("Remote POP server Fetching Mail") . '', 'center', $color[0] ) ) , 'center', '', 'width="95%" cols="1"' ); // get $server_to_fetch from globals, if not set display a choice to the user if (! sqgetGlobalVar('server_to_fetch', $server_to_fetch, SQ_POST) ) { echo '
' . "
" . html_tag( 'table', '', 'center', '', 'width="70%" cols="2"' ) . html_tag( 'tr' ) . html_tag( 'td', _("Select Server:") . '    ', 'right' ) . html_tag( 'td', '', 'left' ) . '' . '' . ''; //if password not set, ask for it for ($i=0;$i<$mailfetch_server_number;$i++) { if ($mailfetch_pass_[$i]=='') { echo html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', _("Password for") . ' ' . htmlspecialchars((($mailfetch_alias_[$i]=='')?$mailfetch_server_[$i]:$mailfetch_alias_[$i])) . ':     ', 'right' ) . html_tag( 'td', '', 'left' ) ); } } echo html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', ' ' ) . html_tag( 'td', '', 'left' ) ) . '
'; exit(); } if ( $server_to_fetch == 'all' ) { $i_start = 0; $i_stop = $mailfetch_server_number; } else { $i_start = $server_to_fetch; $i_stop = $i_start+1; } for ($i_loop=$i_start;$i_loop<$i_stop;$i_loop++) { $mailfetch_server=$mailfetch_server_[$i_loop]; $mailfetch_port=$mailfetch_port_[$i_loop]; $mailfetch_user=$mailfetch_user_[$i_loop]; if ($mailfetch_pass_[$i_loop] == '') { sqgetGlobalVar("pass_$i_loop", $mailfetch_pass, SQ_POST); } else { $mailfetch_pass = $mailfetch_pass_[$i_loop]; } $mailfetch_lmos=$mailfetch_lmos_[$i_loop]; $mailfetch_login=$mailfetch_login_[$i_loop]; $mailfetch_uidl=$mailfetch_uidl_[$i_loop]; $mailfetch_subfolder=$mailfetch_subfolder_[$i_loop]; $pop3 = new POP3($mailfetch_server, 60); echo '
' . html_tag( 'table', html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', '' . _("Fetching from ") . htmlspecialchars((($mailfetch_alias_[$i_loop] == '')?$mailfetch_server:$mailfetch_alias_[$i_loop])) . '', 'center' ) , '', $color[9] ) , '', '', 'width="90%"' ); flush(); if (!$pop3->connect($mailfetch_server,$mailfetch_port)) { Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Oops, ") . $pop3->ERROR ); continue; } Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Opening IMAP server")); $imap_stream = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 10); // check if destination folder is not set, is not subscribed and is not \noselect folder if($mailfetch_subfolder == '' || ! mail_fetch_check_folder($imap_stream,$mailfetch_subfolder)) { $mailfetch_subfolder = 'INBOX'; } Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Opening POP server")); $Count = $pop3->login($mailfetch_user, $mailfetch_pass); if (($Count == false || $Count == -1) && $pop3->ERROR != '') { Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Login Failed:") . ' ' . $pop3->ERROR ); continue; } // register_shutdown_function($pop3->quit()); $msglist = $pop3->uidl(); $i = 1; for ($j = 1; $j < sizeof($msglist); $j++) { if ($msglist["$j"] == $mailfetch_uidl) { $i = $j+1; break; } } if ($Count < $i) { Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Login OK: No new messages")); $pop3->quit(); continue; } if ($Count == 0) { Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Login OK: Inbox EMPTY")); $pop3->quit(); continue; } else { $newmsgcount = $Count - $i + 1; Mail_Fetch_Status(sprintf(_("Login OK: Inbox contains %s messages"), $newmsgcount)); } Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Fetching UIDL...")); // Faster to get them all at once $mailfetch_uidl = $pop3->uidl(); if (! is_array($mailfetch_uidl) && $mailfetch_lmos == 'on') Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Server does not support UIDL.")); if ($mailfetch_lmos == 'on') { Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Leaving mail on server...")); } else { Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Deleting messages from server...")); } for (; $i <= $Count; $i++) { Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Fetching message ") . "$i" ); if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) set_time_limit(20); // 20 seconds per message max $Message = ""; $MessArray = $pop3->get($i); while ( (!$MessArray) or (gettype($MessArray) != "array")) { Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Oops, ") . $pop3->ERROR); // re-connect pop3 Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Server error. Disconnect")); $pop3->quit(); Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Reconnect from dead connection")); if (!$pop3->connect($mailfetch_server)) { Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Oops, ") . $pop3->ERROR ); Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Saving UIDL")); setPref($data_dir,$username,"mailfetch_uidl_$i_loop", $mailfetch_uidl[$i-1]); continue; } $Count = $pop3->login($mailfetch_user, $mailfetch_pass); if (($Count == false || $Count == -1) && $pop3->ERROR != '') { Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Login Failed:") . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($pop3->ERROR) ); Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Saving UIDL")); setPref($data_dir,$username,"mailfetch_uidl_$i_loop", $mailfetch_uidl[$i-1]); continue; } Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Refetching message ") . "$i" ); $MessArray = $pop3->get($i); } // end while while (list($lineNum, $line) = each ($MessArray)) { $Message .= $line; } fputs($imap_stream, "A3$i APPEND \"$mailfetch_subfolder\" {" . strlen($Message) . "}\r\n"); $Line = fgets($imap_stream, 1024); if (substr($Line, 0, 1) == '+') { fputs($imap_stream, $Message); fputs($imap_stream, "\r\n"); sqimap_read_data($imap_stream, "A3$i", false, $response, $message); if ( $response <> 'OK' ) { Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Error Appending Message!")." ".$message ); Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Closing POP")); $pop3->quit(); Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Logging out from IMAP")); sqimap_logout($imap_stream); Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Saving UIDL")); setPref($data_dir,$username,"mailfetch_uidl_$i_loop", $mailfetch_uidl[$i-1]); exit; } else { Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Message appended to mailbox")); } if ($mailfetch_lmos != 'on') { if( $pop3->delete($i) ) { Mail_Fetch_Status(sprintf(_("Message %d deleted from remote server!"), $i)); } else { Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Delete failed:") . htmlspecialchars($pop3->ERROR) ); } } } else { echo "$Line"; Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Error Appending Message!")); Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Closing POP")); $pop3->quit(); Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Logging out from IMAP")); sqimap_logout($imap_stream); // not gurantee corect! Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Saving UIDL")); setPref($data_dir,$username,"mailfetch_uidl_$i_loop", $mailfetch_uidl[$i-1]); exit; } } Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Closing POP")); $pop3->quit(); Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Logging out from IMAP")); sqimap_logout($imap_stream); if (is_array($mailfetch_uidl)) { Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Saving UIDL")); setPref($data_dir,$username,"mailfetch_uidl_$i_loop", array_pop($mailfetch_uidl)); } Mail_Fetch_Status(_("Done")); } ?>