$value) { if ($key != 0 || $value != '') { $str .= " * $key = $value\n"; } } if ($str == '') { return " * Nothing listed\n"; } return $str; } $browscap = ini_get('browscap'); if(!empty($browscap)) { $browser = get_browser(); } sqgetGlobalVar('HTTP_USER_AGENT', $HTTP_USER_AGENT, SQ_SERVER); if ( ! sqgetGlobalVar('HTTP_USER_AGENT', $HTTP_USER_AGENT, SQ_SERVER) ) $HTTP_USER_AGENT="Browser information is not available."; $body_top = "I subscribe to the squirrelmail-users mailing list.\n" . " [ ] True - No need to CC me when replying\n" . " [ ] False - Please CC me when replying\n" . "\n" . "This bug occurs when I ...\n" . " ... view a particular message\n" . " ... use a specific plugin/function\n" . " ... try to do/view/use ....\n" . "\n\n\n" . "The description of the bug:\n\n\n" . "I can reproduce the bug by:\n\n\n" . "(Optional) I got bored and found the bug occurs in:\n\n\n" . "(Optional) I got really bored and here's a fix:\n\n\n" . "----------------------------------------------\n" . "\nMy browser information:\n" . ' '.$HTTP_USER_AGENT . "\n" ; if(isset($browser)) { $body_top .= " get_browser() information (List)\n" . Show_Array((array) $browser); } $body_top .= "\nMy web server information:\n" . " PHP Version " . phpversion() . "\n" . " PHP Extensions (List)\n" . Show_Array(get_loaded_extensions()) . "\nSquirrelMail-specific information:\n" . " Version: $version\n" . " Plugins (List)\n" . Show_Array($plugins); if (isset($ldap_server) && $ldap_server[0] && ! extension_loaded('ldap')) { $warning = 1; $warnings['ldap'] = "LDAP server defined in SquirrelMail config, " . "but the module is not loaded in PHP"; $corrections['ldap'][] = "Reconfigure PHP with the option '--with-ldap'"; $corrections['ldap'][] = "Then recompile PHP and reinstall"; $corrections['ldap'][] = "-- OR --"; $corrections['ldap'][] = "Reconfigure SquirrelMail to not use LDAP"; } $body = "\nMy IMAP server information:\n" . " Server type: $imap_server_type\n"; $imap_stream = fsockopen ($imapServerAddress, $imapPort, $error_number, $error_string); $server_info = fgets ($imap_stream, 1024); if ($imap_stream) { // SUPRESS HOST NAME $list = explode(' ', $server_info); $list[2] = '[HIDDEN]'; $server_info = implode(' ', $list); $body .= " Server info: $server_info"; fputs ($imap_stream, "a001 CAPABILITY\r\n"); $read = fgets($imap_stream, 1024); $list = explode(' ', $read); array_shift($list); array_shift($list); $read = implode(' ', $list); $body .= " Capabilities: $read"; fputs ($imap_stream, "a002 LOGOUT\r\n"); fclose($imap_stream); } else { $body .= " Unable to connect to IMAP server to get information.\n"; $warning = 1; $warnings['imap'] = "Unable to connect to IMAP server"; $corrections['imap'][] = "Make sure you specified the correct mail server"; $corrections['imap'][] = "Make sure the mail server is running IMAP, not POP"; $corrections['imap'][] = "Make sure the server responds to port $imapPort"; } $warning_html = ''; $warning_num = 0; if (isset($warning) && $warning) { foreach ($warnings as $key => $value) { if ($warning_num == 0) { $body_top .= "WARNINGS WERE REPORTED WITH YOUR SETUP:\n"; $body_top = "WARNINGS WERE REPORTED WITH YOUR SETUP -- SEE BELOW\n\n$body_top"; $warning_html = "

Warnings were reported with your setup:

\n"; } $warning_num ++; $warning_html .= "
\n"; $body_top .= "\n$value\n"; foreach ($corrections[$key] as $corr_val) { $body_top .= " * $corr_val\n"; $warning_html .= "
* $corr_val
\n"; } } $warning_html .= "

$warning_num warning(s) reported.

\n"; $body_top .= "\n$warning_num warning(s) reported.\n"; $body_top .= "----------------------------------------------\n"; } $body = htmlspecialchars($body_top . $body); ?>
'._("Submit a Bug Report").'','center',$color[0]); ?>
'; echo _("Before you send your bug report, please make sure to check this checklist for any common problems."); echo "

\n"; echo '\n"; echo '

'; echo _("Pressing the button below will start a mail message to the developers of SquirrelMail that will contain a lot of information about your system, your browser, how SquirrelMail is set up, and your IMAP server. It will also prompt you for information. Just fill out the sections at the top. If you like, you can scroll down in the message to see what else is being sent."); echo "

\n"; echo '

'; echo _("Please make sure to fill out as much information as you possibly can to give everyone a good chance of finding and removing the bug. Submitting your bug like this will not have it automatically added to the bug list on SourceForge, but someone who gets your message may add it for you."); echo "

\n"; ?>