'', 'base' => 'dc=bigjar,dc=com', 'name' => 'Bigjar Directory' ); $abook_global_file = ''; $abook_global_file_writeable = false; $addrbook_dsn = ''; $addrbook_table = 'address'; $prefs_dsn = ''; $prefs_table = 'userprefs'; $prefs_user_field = 'user'; $prefs_key_field = 'prefkey'; $prefs_val_field = 'prefval'; $addrbook_global_dsn = ''; $addrbook_global_table = 'global_abook'; $addrbook_global_writeable = false; $addrbook_global_listing = false; $no_list_for_subscribe = false; $smtp_auth_mech = 'none'; $imap_auth_mech = 'login'; $use_imap_tls = false; $use_smtp_tls = false; $session_name = 'SQMSESSID'; @include SM_PATH . 'config/config_local.php'; /** * Make sure there are no characters after the PHP closing * tag below (including newline characters and whitespace). * Otherwise, that character will cause the headers to be * sent and regular output to begin, which will majorly screw * things up when we try to send more headers later. */ ?>