Upgrading your SquirrelMail installation ======================================== If you are upgrading from a previous version of SquirrelMail, you can use this guide to make the transition a bit smoother. 0. Check requirements ===================== The system requirements may have been changed between your previous version and this version of SquirrelMail. The requirements won't change (much) between stable releases but may change significantly between different series (e.g. between 1.2.x and 1.4.x). Most notably, you need at least PHP version 4.0.6. The ReleaseNotes file is a good source for information about changed requirements. 1. Backup old install ====================== Make a backup of your current SquirrelMail directory. If you use "cp", be sure to use the "-Rp" options. -R means recursive, and -p will save the permissions in the directory. In this example, we assume that your httpd document directory is /home/httpd/html, that your SquirrelMail install is located at /home/httpd/html/squirrelmail-1.2.6, and that your new SM version is 1.4.0. Substitute version numbers and names as required. $ cd /home/httpd/html $ cp -Rp squirrelmail-1.2.6 squirrelmail-1.2.6.bak 2. Unarchive new SquirrelMail ============================== Make sure that you are in your httpd document directory (/home/httpd/html) and then unarchive the SquirrelMail archive (whatever the filename is): $ tar -zxvf squirrelmail-1.4.0.tar.gz 3. Copy important files from old install ========================================= The important files to copy are: A. Preferences B. Config details C. Plugins D. Themes (if you've edited or added any of them) A. Preferences First, copy your preference data over to the new directory. Usually this is ok, but if you are upgrading from anything less than 1.0.5, we strongly suggest you let your users reset their preferences. There were important security upgrades in 1.0.5 regarding preference files. $ cp squirrelmail-1.2.6.bak/data/* squirrelmail-1.4.0/data B. Config details If at all possible, start the configuration process from scratch. It is much less prone to missing configuration options than copying your old configuration. Ideally, you should just run conf.pl to reconfigure SquirrelMail. If you decide to copy your old config.php over, we strongly recommend that you run conf.pl to make sure things are correct and then save the config file. $ cp squirrelmail-1.2.6.bak/config/config.php squirrelmail-1.4.0/config C. Copy plugins Like SquirrelMail, plugins are frequently updated for improvements, as well as to make them compatible with new SquirrelMail releases. It is suggested that you download new versions of your plugins at the same time you download your SquirrelMail install, and that you install your plugins fresh (it's easy, don't panic!). You should not try replacing plugins that are already included in SquirrelMail package. Download latest versions of plugins that are not included in new SquirrelMail package or copy them from older SquirrelMail install. D. Copy themes If you've created or modified themes, you should copy just those to the new SquirrelMail themes directory. To just copy them all over to the new SquirrelMail installation, you can run one command. $ cp -ui squirrelmail-1.2.6.bak/themes/* squirrelmail-1.4.0/themes/ When -u flag is used, command copies only missing and newer files. When -i flag is used, command asks for confirmation before replacing existing files. 4. Change permissions ====================== The web server must have write permission to the data directory. In this example, we assume that user "nobody" and group "nobody" are the web server as is often the case with Apache. $ cd squirrelmail-1.4.0 $ chown -R nobody:nobody data See INSTALL for alternate userid/groupid pairs. Additionally, if "chown user:group" doesn't work, you can use "chown user" and "chgrp group" instead. See the man pages for these commands for more information. 5. Run conf.pl =============== Run config/conf.pl to see the new configuration options available with the new version, as well as to verify that all of your old options are set properly. Always save your options, also if you haven't changed anything. This will ensure that any problems with conf.pl that might have been solved are effective to your installation. 6. DONE! ========= That should be all! The most important part is copying your users' preference files back into the new data directory. This will insure that your users will have their old preferences. Remember to do so with caution, especially if you are upgrading from a version before 1.0.5 to version 1.0.5 or later.