Generic LDAP Client Tool _ ____ ___ ____ ____ _ _ ____ _ ___ ____ ____ ____ | | | _ \ / _ \ _ \ | __\ \/ / _ \ | / _ \ _ \ | __ _ \ | | | | \ | |_| | |_) ) | |_ \/ / | |_) ) | | | | | |_) )| |_ | |_) ) | |__| |_/ | _ | __/ | |__ / /\ | __/ |__| |_| | _ / | |__| _ / |_________/ _| |_ _| |____/_/\_\ _| |____ \___/ _| \_\ ____ _| \_\ Latest Updated: Mar 23, 2001 LDAP Explorer has been tested against Apache Web Server, Open LDAP Server, Netscape Directory Server as well as Novell eDirectory for Linux (Trail version 8.1) so far. Also Microsoft Active Directory server, Papp Zoltán said it works. -------------- | Dependency | -------------- LDAP Explorer version >= 1.15 needs Apache or Netscape web server with PHP version 4.xx with ldap support Important!!! Because very bizarre behavior in PHP 4.0.4pl1, LDAP Explorer doesn't work well with it at the moment. Please stay at version 4.0.3pl1. Binary code for Redhat Linux can be found at: ------------- | Installation | ------------- 1. Change directory to web server root directory and unpack tar file: [root@igloo /root]# cd /var/www/html [root@igloo html]# tar xvfz LDAPExplorer-x.xx.tar.gz 2. Create a tmp directory under web server root directory (to keep temporary tree structure and mime type files), e.g.: [root@igloo /root]# mkdir /home/httpd/html/tmp if your apache is running as user nobody: [root@igloo /root]# chown nobody:nobody /home/httpd/html/tmp or as user apache: [root@igloo /root]# chown apache:apache /home/httpd/html/tmp 3. Change default setting in default.php, e.g.: set $default->root_html to "/var/www/html" (it points to server root - in Apache see ServerRoot setting) and $default->tmpdir to "/" or "/tmp" depend on your system 4. turn magic quotes off in PHP. in php.ini: magic_quotes_gpc = Off or in apache configuration file, e.g, access.conf: DirectoryIndex login.php AddType application/x-httpd-php .php AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps php_value magic_quotes_gpc off 5. That's all. Open your browser (Browser should support frame and javascript), go to URL: Enjoy LDAP Explorer! ----------- | Reference | -----------