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[Prev: 3. Why not just use a small Perl cgi script to talk to an ldap client which can integrate OpenLDAP project easily? ]
[Next: 5. Does LDAP Explorer have search/find feature?]
Meaning of the LDAP tree with its variable
$row $level
- igloo.its.unimelb.edu.au 0 0
| - l=Melbourne, st=Victoria, c=AU 1 1
| | + o=igloo CA 2 2
| | + o=The University of Melbourne 3 2
| | |
| | <expand this branch of the tree>
<collapse this branch of the tree>
[Top] [Contents]
[Prev: 3. Why not just use a small Perl cgi script to talk to an ldap client which can integrate OpenLDAP project easily? ]
[Next: 5. Does LDAP Explorer have search/find feature?]